
We support businesses and people in the continuous real-time transformation for the digital era


The building stones are all in place. Agility, new ways of working. Moonshot thinking. And so on. The problem is: In most cases, businesses lack an approach that creates direct business impact for these superpowers of the digital era. We’re closing this gap.

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How can one create moonshots in one‘s day to day business? How can industrial processes and value chains become adaptive? How can one introduce the new ways of working and reduce complexity at the same time? How can crafting the business of the future improve today’s business? Our solutions are answers to these questions. They make all the difference.

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In the digital era, companies and teams need to build their solutions in the face of unprecedented uncertainty and complexity. And they can. If they manage to build their agile pulse.

How can this be achieved? How can teams or entire companies  create working environments that transcend the limitations and impositions of legacy organizations? How can they become agile in their day to day? Although they are designed for the opposite?

Our framework for building the AGILE PULSE provides the answer. With an approach that starts with ready-for-use access to the relevant tools and formats. And continues by adapting these exact tools and workflows to one’s actual needs from day 1. For true agility with direct impact in the core business.


In the digital era, companies need to be capable of turning their processes – even their entire value chain – upside down in the shortest possible time. At the same time, they must become better and more efficient in what they do today in order to remain successful.

How can this be achieved? How can one improve standard processes and procedures by radically reengineering them? And vice versa?

Our ADAPTIVE ORGANIZATION transformation framework provides the answer.  With an approach that makes today’s excellent processes the most important resource for a future that follows a completely different design. For true agility with direct impact in the core business.


There is no and there can be no such thing as a blueprint or best practice for how to succeed in digital transformation. But we do know the core elements: Finding the right point to start (and even more important: getting started). Building the crucial capabilities. And consistently managing the path towards and over the tipping point. Everything we do is designed to do exactly this.

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You have identified your need and lever for transformation. You now want to build on a tried and tested framework and the support of a team that has been there before.

Our coaches and facilitators will provide access to our vast resources of tools and workflows and will guide your teams.
Our transformation projects are designed to support you in building your internal capabilities and resources. It’s your transformation, but you’re not alone.

How we can best support you? We need to talk…


You are in the process of digital or agile transformation. You’re not ready for or don’t need an intensive transformation project. But you would like someone to challenge your approaches and decisions as you move ahead.

Our coaches act as your partners in a frequent setting for feedback and inspiration.
In some cases our coaching projects are a start into working with our framework, in some cases they support the ones that continue the journey started before.

How we can best support you? We need to talk…


You would either like to explore how to best approach your transformation. Or how to best take it to the next level. Or how to get over a substantial obstacle.

Our coaches and facilitators will design a customized approach  that empowers your teams and management to take concrete decisions for getting re-started.
Our workshops are non-generic. They build upon your organization’s resources. And open up new perspectives.

How we can best support you? We need to talk…


You are on your path to a continuous transformation for the digital era. You would like to build your teams’ capabilities in a format that is customized to your company’s needs, your team’s existing capabilities and to the systematic approach of our framework for digital transformation.

Our BUILD academy creates individual learning paths for leadership, teams and even entire units. Nano lessons trigger learning experiences in your actual business.

How we can best support you? We need to talk…

Our Trainings

In the digital age, those who use the new opportunities are successful. To become truly agile. And to develop into true high-performance teams and organizations. You can learn how to do this. With our BUILD training courses.

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Build YOUR Agility. Trainings for the next level.

True agility makes the difference in the digital age: Agile teams and companies can achieve 4 times higher productivity! Improve quality and reliability by over 50%! Increase innovation success by a factor of 10! And much more.
If you and your teams are already succeeding at all of this, you don’t need to read any further. But if you see open potential, we have the solution to take your performance to the next level: Our BUILD YOUR AGILITY training series.

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Digital transformation implies squaring the circle. Traction and direct impact require ready for use solutions. But as any digital transformation must be an open and unique process, there can be no such thing as ready for use solutions. Our way out of this trap: Tipping Point Transformation. BUILD-Starter-Kits. And „Dirty Consulting“.

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One of the biggest challenges of agile transformation is the confusion between tools and solutions. You need the scalpel for successful surgery. But just because you have a scalpel doesn’t make you a world-class surgeon. So it is with the elements of Scrum, Design Thinking and the many other resources for new working and thinking: you need them. But using them doesn’t make you agile. Even more: what you need from the huge reservoir of tools and formats and in which form you need it depends on where you are. What you need next.

That’s exactly what our BUILD Starter Kits are designed for. We work with the teams and companies we support to select the elements that will provide maximum traction for the specific next step. And develop everything else from there (i.e.: agile!). As a solution to concrete tasks or problems. For direct business impact.

How does this work? We need to talk…


Almost everyone who studies the dynamics of the digital age concludes that teams and companies have to tick differently. That different skills are needed, from managers to clerks. What is surprisingly often overlooked: that this also requires other forms of support.

As much as there is a lot going on right now, learning and consulting still take place in the old, traditional formats. Yet even that no longer makes sense in the digital age: if no one – including the consultant or teacher – can know what the right solution is, then companies, teams, managers and individual employees don’t need “we-have-the-solution-in-the-pocket” consultants or coaches. Instead, they need: Dirty Consulting. Dirty coaching and learning.

Dirty because the fact that even the supporter can’t know what’s right means that the support itself needs to be agile.

How does this work? We need to talk…


We have been surfing the digital tsunami for over two decades. From the media, music and book industry to fashion and retail. From groceries, agricultural markets to energy, telecommunication and finance. And so on. Our approach has proven valuable to the most diverse companies in various markets and organizational structures.

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